X force comics
X force comics

x force comics
  1. #X force comics portable#
  2. #X force comics series#

However, as this aspect of the issue is developing, Sage discovers through an autopsy that these super-advanced humans were created like Reavers… but with more advancements. Hopefully, with Jean’s help as well as the Five, they can bring back Charles’ stored mind in a new body. Meanwhile, Jean and Beast uncover a spare Cerebro and readers discover that Charles has been backing up his own mind periodically for this very reason.

#X force comics portable#

Percy opens issue two with every mutant surrounding a dead Xavier while Magneto fashions a sword from the remnants of the portable Cerebro Charles has been sashaying around the world in. Interested in getting your hands on X-FORCE #1? Click HERE! Or, grab Dawn of X Vol 1 which contains this very issue as well as all the X-Men titles by clicking HERE!Ĭheck out the X-FORCE #1 Review HERE! X-FORCE #2Īrt: Joshua Cassara, Dustin Weaver, Dean White, VC’s Joe Caramagna, and Tom Muller The issue ends with Charles getting shot in the head by one of the superhumans and killed on the spot leaving us all with one question can you resurrect the one who holds the key to resurrecting everyone else? As these super-advanced humans land on Krakoa, they begin to unload on the mutants killing anyone in their path while Jean, Wolverine, and Beast lay them out the best they can. Now, as if enough wasn’t already unfolding in this opening issue, readers see this group of sneaky looking humans board a plane and eventually hold it hostage, solely to paratroop down over Krakoa. Meanwhile, Ben Percy launches the cast of characters in the book and shows the Marauders on their return from saving Colossus who was near death rescuing mutants in Russia. But, it just so happens that Domino is undercover within this “court” and is discovered by a henchman and captured by the organization. Each member appears to be wearing a mask and seems very “Court of Owls”-ish in nature.

#X force comics series#

X-Force is a force to be reckoned with.The series begins by introducing readers to a guy in a mask as well as a secret organization that seems to want to kill all mutants. The art was superb and both colorist and penciler knocked it out of the park. Benjamin Percy has a knack for writing good stories that have long term effects on characters we love. X-Force #23 is another good issue in the series that has been slowly building to the downfall of Beast. The pencils and colors for this issue are great and the artists and colorist have done a wonderful job of making this book enjoyable. As Tom and Beast walk through the shadow room, the vibrant blues draw your attention and look futuristic. In panels where the man with the peacock tattoo is dealing with Mikhail, there is a black background and the colors of the characters stand out. His work makes the book vibrant and soar off the page. The colors by Guru-eFx are amazing as always. Beast looks good this issue too, Coccolo does allow him to appear as a big behemoth next to Black Tom. Seeing smaller versions of deadly soldiers pop out of corpses is always a joy to see, especially when it’s drawn as nicely as Coccolo does it. The pencils come off very clean and are easy on the eyes. The pencils this issue are handled by Martin Coccolo with colors by Guru-eFX. It seems like we’re finally getting somewhere with Beast, and that his days of being secretive about his bad behavior is coming to a head. Overall, this issue is right in line with the good work Percy has been doing on the title.

x force comics

Tom provides comedic relief in the issue, and we also get to see Wee Tom again, which is a plus. Percy writes Tom with a fun and carefree attitude. Percy brings in Black Tom, who steals the issue. Beast gets attacked and needs help, because that’s what always happens when people do secret things like this. This, of course, is something he is not supposed to do. As Mikhail works with the man with the Peacock tattoo, Beast examines the body of one of Peacock’s fallen soldiers. Percy lets us know that mother Russia does not care for the nation of Krakoa and considers them Selfish and Xenophobic. Percy does a fine job of making Mikhail come off as a serious threat in this issue. This issue brings us around to see what Mikhail Rasputin has been doing, and it’s not good. I believe with issue 23, we’re starting to see some of that come to fruition. Some story lines have been building up and haven’t been fulfilled yet, but probably the biggest one that everyone wants to see is when is Beast going to get his comeuppance. Benjamin Percy has written the book since the beginning and has had a clear plan and path that he wants to follow. X-Force has been one of the most consistent books that the X-line has put out since it’s relaunch with Krakoa. By Benjamin Percy, Martin Coccolo and Guru-eFX

X force comics